Face Engine SDK  4.6.0
A face detection, recognition and tracking engine.
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
oCfsdk::BaseDetection< Type >Face detection. Stores a detected face bounding box within a source image frame as well as detection confidence score
oCfsdk::BaseDetection< ElementType >
oCfsdk::BaseRect< Type >Rectangle
oCfsdk::BaseRect< ElementType >
oCfsdk::BaseRect< int >
oCfsdk::ISettingsProvider::Value::DataValue data
oCfsdk::ISettingsProvider::DescConfiguration parameter description
oCfsdk::ISettingsProvider::EntryConfiguration parameter entry
oCfsdk::ErrorTraits< E >
oCfsdk::ErrorTraits< FSDKError >Specialized for FSDKError
oCfsdk::ErrorTraits< FutureError >Specialized for Future::Error
oCfsdk::ErrorTraits< IDescriptorBatch::Error >Specialized for DescriptorBatchError
oCfsdk::ErrorTraits< Image::Error >Specialized for Image::Error
oCfsdk::ErrorTraits< ISerializableObject::Error >Specialized for ISerializableObject::SerializationError
oCfsdk::ErrorTraits< ISettingsProvider::Error >Specialized for ISettingsProvider::ParseError
oCfsdk::ErrorTraits< MultiError< E0, E1 > >Specialized for MultiError
oCfsdk::ErrorTraits< PromiseError >Specialized for Promise::Error
oCfsdk::IBestShotQualityEstimator::EstimationResultBestShotQualityEstimator output structure
oCfsdk::EyesEstimation::EyeAttributesEyes attribute structure
oCfsdk::EyeCropperEyeCropper is a helper structure for IEyeEstimator interface Methods of this structure crop an input warped image and returns rectangle coordinates of each eye
oCfsdk::EyesEstimationEyes estimation output
oCfsdk::FormatImage format
oCfsdk::HeadPoseEstimationHead pose estimation output
oCfsdk::HumanLandmarks< numOfLandmarks >Human keypoints landmarks template structure
oCfsdk::IArchiveArchive interface
oCfsdk::IDetectionComparerInterface of BestDetection comparer. Implement it if you want to use own BestDetection strategy
|\Cfsdk::FunctionDetectionComparerSyntax sugar, allows you to use lambdas to define a BestDetection comparer
oCfsdk::IProgressTrackerProgress tracker interface
oCfsdk::IRefCountedBase strong reference counted object interface
|oCfsdk::IAGSEstimatorApproximate Garbage Score estimator interface
|oCfsdk::IAsyncContextInterface for running tasks asynchronously
|oCfsdk::IBestShotQualityEstimatorBestShot and Quality estimator interface
|oCfsdk::IDescriptorExtractorDescriptor extractor interface
|oCfsdk::IDescriptorMatcherDescriptor matcher interface
|oCfsdk::IDetectorFace detector interface
|oCfsdk::IEyeEstimatorEye estimator interface
|oCfsdk::IFaceEngineMobileRoot LUNA SDK object interface
|oCfsdk::IHeadPoseEstimatorHead pose angles estimator interface
|oCfsdk::IHumanDetectorHuman body detector interface
|oCfsdk::IHumanWarperHuman detection area warper interface
|oCfsdk::IIndexBase index interface
|oCfsdk::IIndexBuilderIndex builder interface
|oCfsdk::ILicenseLicense objects interface
|oCfsdk::IResultBatch< T >
|oCfsdk::ISerializableObjectSerializable object interface
|oCfsdk::ISettingsProviderSDK settings provider interface
|\Cfsdk::IWarperFace detection area warper interface
oCfsdk::IStaticDescriptorStorageStatic descriptor storage interface
|oCfsdk::IDenseIndexDense (read only) index interface
|\Cfsdk::IDynamicDescriptorStorageDynamic descriptor storage interface
oCfsdk::ISettingsProvider::KeyConfiguration parameter key
oCfsdk::Landmarks< numOfLandmarks >Face landmarks template structure
oCfsdk::Landmarks5IndexesEnumerates detected landmarks. Only valid for template with 5 landmarks
oCfsdk::Landmarks< eyelidLandmarksCount >
oCfsdk::Landmarks< irisLandmarksCount >
oCfsdk::MatchingResultResult of descriptor matching
|\Cfsdk::SearchResultResult of index search
oCfsdk::MultiError< E0, E1 >An error structure designed for functions which can return errors from different enum classes
oCfsdk::NoncopyableHelper class to block copy operator&constructor of its descendants
|oCfsdk::Future< T >Future class to support asynchronous data retrieval Look into std::future semantics to understand it
|\Cfsdk::Promise< T >Promise class to support asynchronous data retrieval Look into std::promise semantics to understand it
oCfsdk::Optional< BaseType >
oCfsdk::Optional< float >
oCfsdk::Optional< fsdk::fsdk::HumanLandmarks >
oCfsdk::Optional< fsdk::fsdk::Landmarks >
oCfsdk::Optional< fsdk::HeadPoseEstimation >
oCfsdk::Optional< fsdk::OrientationType >
oCfsdk::RefBase< T >Generic base class of a pointer for reference counted objects
|\Cfsdk::Ref< T >Smart pointer for reference counted objects
oCfsdk::Result< E >A structure that encapsulates an action result enumeration
oCfsdk::Result< FSDKError >
oCfsdk::Result< R >
|oCfsdk::ResultValue< R, V, Enable >Addon for Result to output some value aside the result. Specialization for copiable types
|oCfsdk::ResultValue< R, V, typename std::enable_if< std::is_copy_constructible< V >::value >::type >
|\Cfsdk::ResultValue< R, V, typename std::enable_if< std::is_copy_constructible< V >::value==false >::type >Addon for Result to output some value aside the result. Specialization for non copiable types
oCfsdk::SizerHelper entity to measure size of dynamic objects in memory
oCfsdk::Span< T >Span. Not owning data view. It incapsulated pointer to the continuous array with one or more T objects
oCfsdk::SubImageSub Image
oCfsdk::TransformationTransformation data structure, used for warping
oCfsdk::ISettingsProvider::ValueConfiguration parameter value
oCfsdk::Vector2< T >Generic 2D vector
oCfsdk::Vector2< float >
oCfsdk::Vector2< int >