Face Engine SDK  5.17.0
A face detection, recognition and tracking engine.
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fsdk::BackgroundEstimation Struct Reference

Background estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of estimation and probability scores for each possible estimation result. Probability scores are defined in [0,1] range. More...

#include <IBackgroundEstimator.h>

Public Attributes

BackgroundStatus status
 estimation result ( More...
float backgroundScore
 numerical value in range [0, 1], where 1 - is uniform background, 0 - is non uniform.
float backgroundColorScore
 numerical value in range [0, 1], where 1 - is light background, 0 - is too dark.

Detailed Description

Background estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of estimation and probability scores for each possible estimation result. Probability scores are defined in [0,1] range.

Member Data Documentation

BackgroundStatus fsdk::BackgroundEstimation::status

estimation result (

See Also
BackgroundStatus enum).

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