virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IDetectorPtr > | createDetector (ObjectDetectorClassType type=FACE_DET_DEFAULT, SensorType mode=SensorType::Visible, const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates a detector of a given type. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IHeadDetectorPtr > | createHeadDetector (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates a head detector. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IFaceLandmarksDetectorPtr > | createFaceLandmarksDetector (SensorType mode=SensorType::Visible, const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates a face landmark detector. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IOrientationEstimatorPtr > | createOrientationEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IHumanDetectorPtr > | createHumanDetector (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates a human detector. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IHumanLandmarksDetectorPtr > | createHumanLandmarksDetector (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates a human landmark detector. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IHumanFaceDetectorPtr > | createHumanFaceDetector (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates a HumanFace detector, which detects humans, faces and associations between them. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IHeadPoseEstimatorPtr > | createHeadPoseEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates Head pose estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IOverlapEstimatorPtr > | createOverlapEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates Overlap estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IChildEstimatorPtr > | createChildEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates Child estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IAGSEstimatorPtr > | createAGSEstimator (const LaunchOptions *options=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates AGS estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IHeadAndShouldersLivenessEstimatorPtr > | createHeadAndShouldersLivenessEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates HeadAndShouldersLiveness estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IAttributeEstimatorPtr > | createAttributeEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates Attribute estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IHumanAttributeEstimatorPtr > | createHumanAttributeEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates HumanAttribute estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IQualityEstimatorPtr > | createQualityEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates Quality estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IBlackWhiteEstimatorPtr > | createBlackWhiteEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates BlackWhite estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
ILivenessDepthEstimatorPtr > | createDepthEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates Liveness Depth estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
ILivenessDepthRGBEstimatorPtr > | createLivenessDepthRGBEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates Liveness Depth+RGB estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
ILivenessIREstimatorPtr > | createIREstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates Liveness Infrared estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
ILivenessOneShotRGBEstimatorPtr > | createLivenessOneShotRGBEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates Liveness OneShot estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IMouthEstimatorPtr > | createMouthEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates Mouth estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IMedicalMaskEstimatorPtr > | createMedicalMaskEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates MedicalMask estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
ILivenessFlyingFacesEstimatorPtr > | createLivenessFlyingFacesEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates LivenessFlyingFaces estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
ILivenessFPREstimatorPtr > | createLivenessFPREstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates LivenessFPR estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
ILivenessFlowEstimatorPtr > | createFaceFlowEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates Liveness flow estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
ILivenessRGBMEstimatorPtr > | createLivenessRGBMEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates Liveness RGBM estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IEyeEstimatorPtr > | createEyeEstimator (SensorType mode=SensorType::Visible, const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates Eye estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IEmotionsEstimatorPtr > | createEmotionsEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates Emotions estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IGazeEstimatorPtr > | createGazeEstimator (SensorType mode=SensorType::Visible, const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates Gaze estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IGlassesEstimatorPtr > | createGlassesEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates Glasses estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IBestShotQualityEstimatorPtr > | createBestShotQualityEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates BestShotQuality estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
ICredibilityCheckEstimatorPtr > | createCredibilityCheckEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates CredibilityCheck estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IHeadWearEstimatorPtr > | createHeadWearEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates HeadWear estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IFacialHairEstimatorPtr > | createFacialHairEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates FacialHair estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IFishEyeEstimatorPtr > | createFishEyeEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates FishEye estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
INaturalLightEstimatorPtr > | createNaturalLightEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates NaturalLight estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IPPEEstimatorPtr > | createPPEEstimator (const LaunchOptions *LaunchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IPortraitStyleEstimatorPtr > | createPortraitStyleEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates PortraitStyle estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IDynamicRangeEstimatorPtr > | createDynamicRangeEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates DynamicRange estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IBackgroundEstimatorPtr > | createBackgroundEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates Background estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IRedEyeEstimatorPtr > | createRedEyeEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates Red Eye estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IEyeBrowEstimatorPtr > | createEyeBrowEstimator (const LaunchOptions *LaunchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates EyeBrow estimator . More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IEthnicityEstimatorPtr > | createEthnicityEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
ICrowdEstimatorPtr > | createCrowdEstimator (fsdk::CrowdEstimatorType type=fsdk::CrowdEstimatorType::CET_DEFAULT, const LaunchOptions *LaunchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates Crowd estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
experimental::IDeepFakeEstimatorPtr > | createDeepFakeEstimator (const experimental::DeepFakeMode mode=experimental::DeepFakeMode::Default, const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates DeepFake estimator. The current implementation is experimental, and does not support backward compatibility. The API can be modified in upcoming versions. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
INIRLivenessEstimatorPtr > | createNIRLivenessEstimator (const NIRLivenessMode mode=NIRLivenessMode::Default, const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates NIRLiveness estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IFightsEstimatorPtr > | createFightsEstimator (const LaunchOptions *LaunchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates FightsEstimator estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IDescriptorPtr > | createDescriptor (uint32_t version=0) noexcept=0 |
| Creates Descriptor. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IDescriptorPtr > | createDescriptor (IArchive *archive, uint32_t flags=0) noexcept=0 |
| Creates and loads Descriptor from Archive. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IDescriptorBatchPtr > | createDescriptorBatch (int32_t size, uint32_t version=0) noexcept=0 |
| Creates Batch of descriptors. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IDescriptorExtractorPtr > | createExtractor (uint32_t version=0, const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0 |
| Creates descriptor extractor. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IDescriptorMatcherPtr > | createMatcher (uint32_t version=0) noexcept=0 |
| Creates descriptor matcher. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IIndexBuilderPtr > | createIndexBuilder (const size_t capacity=0, uint32_t version=0) noexcept=0 |
| Creates index builder. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IDenseIndexPtr > | loadDenseIndex (const char *indexPath) noexcept=0 |
| Loads dense index. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IDynamicIndexPtr > | loadDynamicIndex (const char *indexPath) noexcept=0 |
| Loads dynamic index. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IWarperPtr > | createWarper () noexcept=0 |
| Creates warper. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IHumanWarperPtr > | createHumanWarper () noexcept=0 |
| Creates human warper. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IAsyncContextPtr > | createAsyncContext (const int8_t threadCount) noexcept=0 |
| Creates async context. More...
virtual FaceEngineEdition | getFaceEngineEdition () const noexcept=0 |
| Get LUNA SDK ditribution edition. More...
virtual void | setDataDirectory (const char *path) noexcept=0 |
| Sets data directory. More...
virtual const char * | getDataDirectory () const noexcept=0 |
| Gets data directory. More...
virtual void | setSettingsProvider (ISettingsProvider *provider) noexcept=0 |
| Sets settings provider. More...
virtual void | setRuntimeSettingsProvider (ISettingsProvider *provider) noexcept=0 |
| Sets runtime settings provider. More...
virtual ISettingsProvider * | getSettingsProvider () const noexcept=0 |
| Gets settings provider. More...
virtual ISettingsProvider * | getRuntimeSettingsProvider () const noexcept=0 |
| Gets runtime settings provider. More...
virtual ILicense * | getLicense () const noexcept=0 |
| Get current License object, which was set for FaceEngine object. More...
virtual int32_t | retain () noexcept=0 |
| Increase strong reference count. More...
virtual int32_t | retainLocked () noexcept=0 |
| Increase strong reference count thread safely. More...
virtual int32_t | release () noexcept=0 |
| Decrease strong reference count. More...
virtual int32_t | getRefCount () const noexcept=0 |
| Get actual strong reference count. More...
virtual int32_t | retainWeak () noexcept=0 |
| Increase weak reference count. More...
virtual int32_t | releaseWeak () noexcept=0 |
| Decrease weak reference count. More...
virtual int32_t | getWeakRefCount () const noexcept=0 |
| Get actual weak reference count. More...