Face Engine SDK  5.17.0
A face detection, recognition and tracking engine.
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fsdk::IFaceEngine Struct Referenceabstract

Root LUNA SDK object interface. More...

#include <IFaceEngine.h>

Inheritance diagram for fsdk::IFaceEngine:

Public Member Functions

virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IDetectorPtr > 
createDetector (ObjectDetectorClassType type=FACE_DET_DEFAULT, SensorType mode=SensorType::Visible, const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates a detector of a given type. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IHeadDetectorPtr > 
createHeadDetector (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates a head detector. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IFaceLandmarksDetectorPtr > 
createFaceLandmarksDetector (SensorType mode=SensorType::Visible, const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates a face landmark detector. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IOrientationEstimatorPtr > 
createOrientationEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IHumanDetectorPtr > 
createHumanDetector (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates a human detector. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IHumanLandmarksDetectorPtr > 
createHumanLandmarksDetector (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates a human landmark detector. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IHumanFaceDetectorPtr > 
createHumanFaceDetector (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates a HumanFace detector, which detects humans, faces and associations between them. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IHeadPoseEstimatorPtr > 
createHeadPoseEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates Head pose estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IOverlapEstimatorPtr > 
createOverlapEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates Overlap estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IChildEstimatorPtr > 
createChildEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates Child estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IAGSEstimatorPtr > 
createAGSEstimator (const LaunchOptions *options=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates AGS estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IHeadAndShouldersLivenessEstimatorPtr > 
createHeadAndShouldersLivenessEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates HeadAndShouldersLiveness estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IAttributeEstimatorPtr > 
createAttributeEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates Attribute estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IHumanAttributeEstimatorPtr > 
createHumanAttributeEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates HumanAttribute estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IQualityEstimatorPtr > 
createQualityEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates Quality estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IBlackWhiteEstimatorPtr > 
createBlackWhiteEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates BlackWhite estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
ILivenessDepthEstimatorPtr > 
createDepthEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates Liveness Depth estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
ILivenessDepthRGBEstimatorPtr > 
createLivenessDepthRGBEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates Liveness Depth+RGB estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
ILivenessIREstimatorPtr > 
createIREstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates Liveness Infrared estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
ILivenessOneShotRGBEstimatorPtr > 
createLivenessOneShotRGBEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates Liveness OneShot estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IMouthEstimatorPtr > 
createMouthEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates Mouth estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IMedicalMaskEstimatorPtr > 
createMedicalMaskEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates MedicalMask estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
ILivenessFlyingFacesEstimatorPtr > 
createLivenessFlyingFacesEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates LivenessFlyingFaces estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
ILivenessFPREstimatorPtr > 
createLivenessFPREstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates LivenessFPR estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
ILivenessFlowEstimatorPtr > 
createFaceFlowEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates Liveness flow estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
ILivenessRGBMEstimatorPtr > 
createLivenessRGBMEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates Liveness RGBM estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IEyeEstimatorPtr > 
createEyeEstimator (SensorType mode=SensorType::Visible, const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates Eye estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IEmotionsEstimatorPtr > 
createEmotionsEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates Emotions estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IGazeEstimatorPtr > 
createGazeEstimator (SensorType mode=SensorType::Visible, const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates Gaze estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IGlassesEstimatorPtr > 
createGlassesEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates Glasses estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IBestShotQualityEstimatorPtr > 
createBestShotQualityEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates BestShotQuality estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
ICredibilityCheckEstimatorPtr > 
createCredibilityCheckEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates CredibilityCheck estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IHeadWearEstimatorPtr > 
createHeadWearEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates HeadWear estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IFacialHairEstimatorPtr > 
createFacialHairEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates FacialHair estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IFishEyeEstimatorPtr > 
createFishEyeEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates FishEye estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
INaturalLightEstimatorPtr > 
createNaturalLightEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates NaturalLight estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IPPEEstimatorPtr > 
createPPEEstimator (const LaunchOptions *LaunchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IPortraitStyleEstimatorPtr > 
createPortraitStyleEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates PortraitStyle estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IDynamicRangeEstimatorPtr > 
createDynamicRangeEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates DynamicRange estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IBackgroundEstimatorPtr > 
createBackgroundEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates Background estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IRedEyeEstimatorPtr > 
createRedEyeEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates Red Eye estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IEyeBrowEstimatorPtr > 
createEyeBrowEstimator (const LaunchOptions *LaunchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates EyeBrow estimator . More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IEthnicityEstimatorPtr > 
createEthnicityEstimator (const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
ICrowdEstimatorPtr > 
createCrowdEstimator (fsdk::CrowdEstimatorType type=fsdk::CrowdEstimatorType::CET_DEFAULT, const LaunchOptions *LaunchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates Crowd estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
experimental::IDeepFakeEstimatorPtr > 
createDeepFakeEstimator (const experimental::DeepFakeMode mode=experimental::DeepFakeMode::Default, const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates DeepFake estimator. The current implementation is experimental, and does not support backward compatibility. The API can be modified in upcoming versions. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
INIRLivenessEstimatorPtr > 
createNIRLivenessEstimator (const NIRLivenessMode mode=NIRLivenessMode::Default, const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates NIRLiveness estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IFightsEstimatorPtr > 
createFightsEstimator (const LaunchOptions *LaunchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates FightsEstimator estimator. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IDescriptorPtr > 
createDescriptor (uint32_t version=0) noexcept=0
 Creates Descriptor. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IDescriptorPtr > 
createDescriptor (IArchive *archive, uint32_t flags=0) noexcept=0
 Creates and loads Descriptor from Archive. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IDescriptorBatchPtr > 
createDescriptorBatch (int32_t size, uint32_t version=0) noexcept=0
 Creates Batch of descriptors. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IDescriptorExtractorPtr > 
createExtractor (uint32_t version=0, const LaunchOptions *launchOptions=nullptr) noexcept=0
 Creates descriptor extractor. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IDescriptorMatcherPtr > 
createMatcher (uint32_t version=0) noexcept=0
 Creates descriptor matcher. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IIndexBuilderPtr > 
createIndexBuilder (const size_t capacity=0, uint32_t version=0) noexcept=0
 Creates index builder. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IDenseIndexPtr > 
loadDenseIndex (const char *indexPath) noexcept=0
 Loads dense index. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IDynamicIndexPtr > 
loadDynamicIndex (const char *indexPath) noexcept=0
 Loads dynamic index. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IWarperPtr > 
createWarper () noexcept=0
 Creates warper. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IHumanWarperPtr > 
createHumanWarper () noexcept=0
 Creates human warper. More...
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
IAsyncContextPtr > 
createAsyncContext (const int8_t threadCount) noexcept=0
 Creates async context. More...
virtual FaceEngineEdition getFaceEngineEdition () const noexcept=0
 Get LUNA SDK ditribution edition. More...
virtual void setDataDirectory (const char *path) noexcept=0
 Sets data directory. More...
virtual const char * getDataDirectory () const noexcept=0
 Gets data directory. More...
virtual void setSettingsProvider (ISettingsProvider *provider) noexcept=0
 Sets settings provider. More...
virtual void setRuntimeSettingsProvider (ISettingsProvider *provider) noexcept=0
 Sets runtime settings provider. More...
virtual ISettingsProvidergetSettingsProvider () const noexcept=0
 Gets settings provider. More...
virtual ISettingsProvidergetRuntimeSettingsProvider () const noexcept=0
 Gets runtime settings provider. More...
virtual ILicensegetLicense () const noexcept=0
 Get current License object, which was set for FaceEngine object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from fsdk::IRefCounted
virtual int32_t retain () noexcept=0
 Increase strong reference count. More...
virtual int32_t retainLocked () noexcept=0
 Increase strong reference count thread safely. More...
virtual int32_t release () noexcept=0
 Decrease strong reference count. More...
virtual int32_t getRefCount () const noexcept=0
 Get actual strong reference count. More...
virtual int32_t retainWeak () noexcept=0
 Increase weak reference count. More...
virtual int32_t releaseWeak () noexcept=0
 Decrease weak reference count. More...
virtual int32_t getWeakRefCount () const noexcept=0
 Get actual weak reference count. More...

Detailed Description

Root LUNA SDK object interface.

Face Engine also implements factory interface so all usual factory options apply.

Member Function Documentation

virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IAGSEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createAGSEstimator ( const LaunchOptions options = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates AGS estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IAGSEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IAGSEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IAsyncContextPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createAsyncContext ( const int8_t  threadCount)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates async context.

[in]threadCountCount of threads to create for internal thread pool.
ResultValue with error code and IAsyncContextPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IAsyncContextPtr
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IAttributeEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createAttributeEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates Attribute estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IAttributeEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IAttributeEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IBackgroundEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createBackgroundEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates Background estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IBackgroundEstimator instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IBackgroundEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IBestShotQualityEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createBestShotQualityEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates BestShotQuality estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IBestShotQualityEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IBestShotQualityEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IBlackWhiteEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createBlackWhiteEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates BlackWhite estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IBlackWhiteEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IBlackWhiteEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IChildEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createChildEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates Child estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IChildEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IChildEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, ICredibilityCheckEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createCredibilityCheckEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates CredibilityCheck estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and ICredibilityCheckEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, ICredibilityCheckEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, ICrowdEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createCrowdEstimator ( fsdk::CrowdEstimatorType  type = fsdk::CrowdEstimatorType::CET_DEFAULT,
const LaunchOptions LaunchOptions = nullptr 
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates Crowd estimator.

[in]typetype of the Crowd estimator to create.
[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and ICrowdEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, ICrowdEstimator, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, experimental::IDeepFakeEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createDeepFakeEstimator ( const experimental::DeepFakeMode  mode = experimental::DeepFakeMode::Default,
const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr 
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates DeepFake estimator. The current implementation is experimental, and does not support backward compatibility. The API can be modified in upcoming versions.

[in]modeis the option to set estimation scenario.
See Also
[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IDeepFakeEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IDeepFakeEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, ILivenessDepthEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createDepthEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates Liveness Depth estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and ILivenessDepthEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, ILivenessDepthEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IDescriptorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createDescriptor ( uint32_t  version = 0)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates Descriptor.

[in]versiondescriptor version.

face descriptor will created by default, to create human descriptor pass version, minimum version of human descriptor is DV_MIN_HUMAN_DESCRIPTOR_VERSION == 102

ResultValue with error code and IDescriptorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IDescriptorPtr, DescriptorVersion,
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IDescriptorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createDescriptor ( IArchive archive,
uint32_t  flags = 0 
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates and loads Descriptor from Archive.

[in]archiveArchive with descriptor.
[in]flagsArchive flag.
ResultValue with error code and IDescriptorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IDescriptorPtr, IArchive
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IDescriptorBatchPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createDescriptorBatch ( int32_t  size,
uint32_t  version = 0 
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates Batch of descriptors.

face descriptor batch will be created by default, to create human descriptor batch you must pass version, minimum version of human descriptor is DV_MIN_HUMAN_DESCRIPTOR_VERSION == 102

[in]size- amount of descriptors in batch.
[in]version- descriptor version in batch. If 0 - use default version from config.
ResultValue with error code and IDescriptorBatchPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IDescriptorBatchPtr, DescriptorVersion
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IDetectorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createDetector ( ObjectDetectorClassType  type = FACE_DET_DEFAULT,
SensorType  mode = SensorType::Visible,
const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr 
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates a detector of a given type.

[in]typedetector type. Supported types: FACE_DET_V1, FACE_DET_V2, FACE_DET_V3.
[in]modecamera sensor type to perform detection on.
[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IDetectorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IDetectorPtr, LaunchOptions, SensorType
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IDynamicRangeEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createDynamicRangeEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates DynamicRange estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IDynamicRangeEstimator instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IDynamicRangeEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IEmotionsEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createEmotionsEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates Emotions estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IEmotionsEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IEmotionsEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IDescriptorExtractorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createExtractor ( uint32_t  version = 0,
const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr 
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates descriptor extractor.

face descriptor extractor will created by default, to create human descriptor extractor descriptor you must pass version, minimum version of human descriptor is DV_MIN_HUMAN_DESCRIPTOR_VERSION == 102

[in]versiondescriptor version.
[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IDescriptorExtractorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IDescriptorExtractorPtr, DescriptorVersion, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IEyeBrowEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createEyeBrowEstimator ( const LaunchOptions LaunchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates EyeBrow estimator .

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IEyeBrowEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IEyeBrowEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IEyeEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createEyeEstimator ( SensorType  mode = SensorType::Visible,
const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr 
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates Eye estimator.

[in]SensorTypemode camera sensor type.
[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IEyeEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, SensorType, FSDKError, IEyeEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, ILivenessFlowEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createFaceFlowEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates Liveness flow estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and ILivenessFlowEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, ILivenessFlowEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
This estimator is required only for liveness detection purposes.
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IFaceLandmarksDetectorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createFaceLandmarksDetector ( SensorType  mode = SensorType::Visible,
const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr 
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates a face landmark detector.

[in]modecamera sensor type to perform detection on.
[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IFaceLandmarksDetectorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IFaceLandmarksDetectorPtr, LaunchOptions, SensorType
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IFacialHairEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createFacialHairEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates FacialHair estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IFacialHairEstimator instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IFacialHairEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IFightsEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createFightsEstimator ( const LaunchOptions LaunchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates FightsEstimator estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IFightsEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IFightsEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IFishEyeEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createFishEyeEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates FishEye estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IFishEyeEstimator instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IFishEyeEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IGazeEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createGazeEstimator ( SensorType  mode = SensorType::Visible,
const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr 
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates Gaze estimator.

[in]SensorTypemode camera sensor type.
[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IGazeEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, SensorType, FSDKError, IGazeEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IGlassesEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createGlassesEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates Glasses estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IGlassesEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IGlassesEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IHeadAndShouldersLivenessEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createHeadAndShouldersLivenessEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates HeadAndShouldersLiveness estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IHeadAndShouldersLivenessEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IHeadAndShouldersLivenessEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IHeadDetectorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createHeadDetector ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates a head detector.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IHeadDetectorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IHeadDetectorPtr, LaunchOptions, SensorType
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IHeadPoseEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createHeadPoseEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates Head pose estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IHeadPoseEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IHeadPoseEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IHeadWearEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createHeadWearEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates HeadWear estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IHeadWearEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IHeadWearEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IHumanAttributeEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createHumanAttributeEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates HumanAttribute estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IHumanAttributeEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IHumanAttributeEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IHumanDetectorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createHumanDetector ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates a human detector.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IHumanDetectorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IHumanDetectorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IHumanFaceDetectorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createHumanFaceDetector ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates a HumanFace detector, which detects humans, faces and associations between them.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IHumanFaceDetectorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IHumanFaceDetectorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IHumanLandmarksDetectorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createHumanLandmarksDetector ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates a human landmark detector.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IHumanLandmarksDetectorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IHumanLandmarksDetectorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IHumanWarperPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createHumanWarper ( )
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates human warper.

ResultValue with error code and IHumanWarperPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IHumanWarperPtr
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IIndexBuilderPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createIndexBuilder ( const size_t  capacity = 0,
uint32_t  version = 0 
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates index builder.

[in]capacity- Allocate space for this number of descriptors.
[in]version- Descriptor version in batch. If 0 - use default version from config.
ResultValue with error code and IIndexBuilderPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IIndexBuilderPtr, DescriptorVersion
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, ILivenessIREstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createIREstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates Liveness Infrared estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and ILivenessIREstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, ILivenessIREstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, ILivenessDepthRGBEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createLivenessDepthRGBEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates Liveness Depth+RGB estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and ILivenessDepthRGBEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, ILivenessDepthRGBEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, ILivenessFlyingFacesEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createLivenessFlyingFacesEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates LivenessFlyingFaces estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and ILivenessFlyingFacesEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, ILivenessFlyingFacesEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, ILivenessFPREstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createLivenessFPREstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates LivenessFPR estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and ILivenessFPREstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, ILivenessFPREstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, ILivenessOneShotRGBEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createLivenessOneShotRGBEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates Liveness OneShot estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
Oneshot liveness estimator if succeed, nullptr if failed.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, ILivenessOneShotRGBEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, ILivenessRGBMEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createLivenessRGBMEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates Liveness RGBM estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and ILivenessRGBMEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, ILivenessRGBMEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
This estimator is required only for liveness detection purposes.
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IDescriptorMatcherPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createMatcher ( uint32_t  version = 0)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates descriptor matcher.

[in]versiondescriptor version.

face descriptor matcher will created by default, to create human descriptor matcher you must pass version, minimum version of human descriptor is DV_MIN_HUMAN_DESCRIPTOR_VERSION == 102

See Also
ResultValue with error code and IDescriptorMatcherPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IDescriptorMatcherPtr
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IMedicalMaskEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createMedicalMaskEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates MedicalMask estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IMedicalMaskEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IMedicalMaskEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IMouthEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createMouthEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates Mouth estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IMouthEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IMouthEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, INaturalLightEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createNaturalLightEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates NaturalLight estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and INaturalLightEstimator instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, INaturalLightEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, INIRLivenessEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createNIRLivenessEstimator ( const NIRLivenessMode  mode = NIRLivenessMode::Default,
const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr 
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates NIRLiveness estimator.

[in]modeis the option to set estimation scenario.
See Also
[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and INIRLivenessEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, INIRLivenessEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IOverlapEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createOverlapEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates Overlap estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IOverlapEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IOverlapEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IPortraitStyleEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createPortraitStyleEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates PortraitStyle estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IPortraitStyleEstimator instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IPortraitStyleEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IPPEEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createPPEEstimator ( const LaunchOptions LaunchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IPPEEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IPPEEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IQualityEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createQualityEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates Quality estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IQualityEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IQualityEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IRedEyeEstimatorPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createRedEyeEstimator ( const LaunchOptions launchOptions = nullptr)
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates Red Eye estimator.

[in]launchOptionslaunch options for fine grained control over target device resources.
ResultValue with error code and IRedEyeEstimatorPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IRedEyeEstimatorPtr, LaunchOptions
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IWarperPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::createWarper ( )
pure virtualnoexcept

Creates warper.

ResultValue with error code and IWarperPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IWarperPtr
virtual const char* fsdk::IFaceEngine::getDataDirectory ( ) const
pure virtualnoexcept

Gets data directory.

By default is set to "./data".

path to data directory.
virtual FaceEngineEdition fsdk::IFaceEngine::getFaceEngineEdition ( ) const
pure virtualnoexcept

Get LUNA SDK ditribution edition.

Edition of LUNA SDK instance. Posible values:
  • CompleteEdition - full edition with all function.
  • FrontEndEdition - short edition with excluded descriptor functions. Extractor, matcher, descriptor, batch and index cannot be created.
virtual ILicense* fsdk::IFaceEngine::getLicense ( ) const
pure virtualnoexcept

Get current License object, which was set for FaceEngine object.

pointer to current license object, nullptr if no any license was set to.
virtual ISettingsProvider* fsdk::IFaceEngine::getRuntimeSettingsProvider ( ) const
pure virtualnoexcept

Gets runtime settings provider.

runtime settings provider.
virtual ISettingsProvider* fsdk::IFaceEngine::getSettingsProvider ( ) const
pure virtualnoexcept

Gets settings provider.

settings provider.
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IDenseIndexPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::loadDenseIndex ( const char *  indexPath)
pure virtualnoexcept

Loads dense index.

Only indexes saved as dense are to be loaded as dense.
[in]indexPathPath to index to be loaded.
ResultValue with error code and IDenseIndexPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IDenseIndexPtr
virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, IDynamicIndexPtr> fsdk::IFaceEngine::loadDynamicIndex ( const char *  indexPath)
pure virtualnoexcept

Loads dynamic index.

Only indexes saved as dynamic are to be loaded as dynamic.
[in]indexPathPath to index to be loaded.
ResultValue with error code and IDynamicIndexPtr instance.
See Also
ResultValue, FSDKError, IDynamicIndexPtr
virtual void fsdk::IFaceEngine::setDataDirectory ( const char *  path)
pure virtualnoexcept

Sets data directory.

[in]pathpath to data directory.
virtual void fsdk::IFaceEngine::setRuntimeSettingsProvider ( ISettingsProvider provider)
pure virtualnoexcept

Sets runtime settings provider.

[in]providerruntime settings provider.
virtual void fsdk::IFaceEngine::setSettingsProvider ( ISettingsProvider provider)
pure virtualnoexcept

Sets settings provider.

[in]providersettings provider.

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